So the story behind this little photo series is one I've told frequently, and I'm sure I've embellished it a bit along the way. Well, it's a story. This month marked five years since I moved to Rose Hill, so what better time to reflect over the few times I've "thrown events" in Rose Hill since my arrival.
The first event was the dulcimer concert at The Barnyard. I'd gotten a grant from The Puffin Foundation of Teaneck, NJ to launch a revival of the Appalachian dulcimer, giving us some marketing money and such. We filled the house. Downtown was full of cars. Folks talked about what a traffic jam I'd created for quite awhile.
Then later on, I found myself throwing a community information event about upcoming broadband service. We held that event at the clubhouse in the new little apartment complex. We had a great turnout of folks, and managed to have traffic congested with lots of parked cars throughout the apartment driveway and spilling out onto the main road up past Hensleys and such. Once again, folks would kindly jest in the grocery store or gas station for awhile afterwards, that I'd certainly clogged up the traffic flow in Rose Hill again with one of my events.
But the third event, well now, it really surpassed the other two. The third event was the fiberlighting event at the Rose Hill Library where we had not four, but about a dozen dulcimers playing... we had local, state and national elected officials... the whole nine yards. Watching the activities as they progressed that day, I remember really laughing when I saw the police block off the traffic for the ribboncutting event in the front of the library. I kept thinking about the folks who kindly jest me at the gas station and the grocery store about creating traffic jams in Rose Hill, knowing I could look at them next time and respond, "Hey, I've really worked my way up now! Instead of just creating a traffic jam, for the first time, I managed to actually stop the traffic altogether." hahaha!
okay, that was my "Happy Easter" present to you today, my little story about the time I actually stopped the traffic in Rose Hill. hehehe!
One more quick photo, and then I'll go back to grantwriting...