Here's part of a February post -
"Kyle's Ford TN is not too far away from Rose Hill, just over 30 miles. It's probably alot shorter distance "as the crow flies." My ancestors lived in the Kyle's Ford TN/ Blackwater VA vicinity, and I just love that whole area. It appears there's a real push for some eco-tourism development in Kyle's Ford. They're touting a retreat center, several cabin/cottage rental facilities, seasonal canoe rentals, a market, and a cafe. Check out the website at
http://www.clinchriverecotourism.com/. The online menu for the cafe is pretty nifty. It appears that you can get a cheeseburger for only $1.69! Want some fries with that? French fries cost only 79 cents! I'll bet you get excellent service with a smile too. Sounds like the perfect destination for one of my scooter tours this Spring. Okay, who wants to go with me to get a cheeseburger and some fries in Kyles Ford? At those prices, I'll even buy your lunch!"
I did go to Kyle's Ford this Summer and saw the cool cottages and ate in the cafe and such. It was jolly great fun. I posted one photo of folks playing in the river. Here's a photo showing the bridge over the river.
The leaves are just barely beginning to turn a touch here and there. Pretty soon, and all the local backroads will be awash in Fall splendor. The evenings are getting shorter and the nights a bit cooler now.