Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hillbilly: The Real Story

I hardly ever watch TV. I read books instead. I usually tell folks I'm "allergic" to TV and tend to turn the thing off when I walk into their house while their TV is blaring away. haha!

But I found out about an upcoming special show (I learned about it on the Internet) that I really want to see. It's on The History Channel. It's called "Hillbilly: The Real Story." It comes on tomorrow night at 8PM, then repeats on Monday night at midnight, then on Thursday at 2PM and 8PM. I only get basic cable, which doesn't include The History Channel, so I'm going to be dependent on friends to either invite me over to see it or tape it for me.

Anybody else gonna watch the show?? post a commentary/review??


  1. check out this book:

    The United States of Appalachia: How Southern Mountaineers Brought Independence, Culture and Enlightenment to America

  2. Thanks for the book tip. I read quite a bit. I read that book when it came out -- such an intriguing title "The United States of Appalachia."

    Folks got me a copy of the show I wanted to see. The independence theme intertwined with other themes, which were not surprisingly, I suppose: moonshine, marijuana, snake-handling, coal mining, bluegrass, and the one that surprised me: NASCAR! I hadn't realized that "hillbillies" had created the stock car/ dirt track race sport which developed into NASCAR (and of course, even the stock car invention traced back to running moonshine, rigging up car engines to outrun the law). hahaha! What a hoot!

    I recently attended my first dirt track car race, by the way. The race track is not far away, in Tennessee. It was hoot too! I'd go back again.

    Thanks for the post!

  3. i looooooooooooove people who say they rarely watch t v as if its some claim to fame what do you do instead go straight to computer and turn it on lmao

  4. Thank you for the comment. Yes, you've touched on a topic of interest to me. Yes, I do consider it some sort of "claim to fame" cuz my buddies tease me for being "TV illiterate".

    I do alot of research on the Internet for my work, and I do skim the Yahoo world event headlines daily. I read the Kingsport Times News daily. I read alot of books. I watch movies on a DVD player.

    How about you? What is your preference for entertainment and information?

    Again, thank you for the comment.

  5. Delete shis text plz. Sorry


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