Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Martins Creek and Balls Chapel

Here's the second photo posted for the person who commented on the Giles Hollow post. Both houses have been vacant for many years. I always wonder the history of the vacant old homes around here. Probably the next generation left the area in search of jobs. Both of my grandmothers' farm houses became vacant after they died (one here in Lee County, the other up in Montgomery County). Once upon a time, not so long ago, I owned a 120-year-old farmhouse. It had great character!! My current "younger" home (about half that age) is admittedly a bit easier to maintain. But I will always love them old farmhouses.


  1. That's my great grandma Virginia Pace's house... I used to play in the creek about every June or August when we would go to visit her... I was born in Rose Hill 49 years ago today in a little farmhouse near Ball's Chapel. Mom and Dad moved to the "north coast" of Ohio when I was 9 months old. I have great memories of visiting my grandma and grandpa J.D. Arnett every year- cave exploring, rabbit hunting (with my uncle Al's Red Ryder BB gun), milking cows, trips to the feed mill and stock auctions with grandpa, putting up hay and tobacco... Grandma's apple pies and home cookin' eating at Boone's Trail, really bad haircuts at Howard Dean's in Ewing ("it'll grow out soon!") ... some of the best days of my life were spent around Rose Hill - times I'll cherish forever. Looking at all your beautiful pictures makes me yearn for "the good ol' days when I didn't have a worry in the world... Thanks for the wonderful website and blog- wish I could really go "home" again. Keep up the great work,I truly appreciate it.

    P.S.- Been living near the Rocky Mountains just outside of Denver Colorado for the last 25 years or so... beautiful here, but still not quite the same.

  2. In response to Mick Ray's post about Virginia Pace's house. I believe we're talking about the same person if her maiden name was Hobbs from down on Possum Hollow originally. She would be my mother's sister. I also live north of Denver, Co and you're right. Its not the same. Been here since 1963.
    Wayne Garrett
