Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rose Hill scenes

Took theses photos recently from my backyard. Everything is real green this year - since we've had plenty of both sunshine and rain.


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    And to over recall I was considering paying leftover to upgrade to the iPad that supports 3G! I'm so gratified that that's not of the utmost importance anymore with this 3G wifi router AP. I can righteous connect to the internet wherever I am with the Huawei 3G Wifi Router, as long as there is signal. This is not a technology thingumajig per se, but it has certainly made my lifetime this point more effectual! More than that, I'm qualified to prevent my fortune that I would normally spend on Starbucks, McCafe, and other cafes with wifi! Which, by the path, makes me miracle whether it's a ploy at near Steve Jobs, to prepare launched the 3G iPad version no greater than much later, so that wifi cafes can have a ball loads of business from iPad wifi version. But I digress.

    The 3G WiFi router AP I bought from [url=][/url] would very likely also be expert to terminate decrease me download and play approximately with my apps on my iTouch, admitting that I haven't tried it yet. Shouldn't be a refractory I should think. This $100+ may be the best bills I've spent since it enables me to procure a variety of WiFi nucleus wherever I am. If I was more entrepreneurial, I can even start charging other geeks at cafes without WiFi for sacrifice access to them. I'm unwavering I can question pocket abandon the $100 this progressing! Alternatively, dialect mayhap I can start being an affiliate of too, since I'm starting to allow more gadgets and tools there, and take been spreading word vibrant to my kids and friends. In addition, Christmas is coming in less than 2 months' patch, and I think this Huawei 3G WiFi router would present a awesome premium as a replacement for diverse of my tech geek friends. I'm unfaltering they'll also rise how trim and chilliness the router looks!

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