The Hidden Holler General Store has opened in downtown Rose Hill. We'll get it added to the business directory here soon. They sell all kinds of nifty stuff from Raleighs salve (YES! You can still buy "old-fashioned" Rawleighs products!!) to handmade dulcimers to Moonpies. Matter-of-fact, seems like you might can swing thru and get a Moonpie AND a Pepsi to go with it, for only a dollar! It's a great, new downtown store.
I have not been to visit Rose Hill in 30 years so is the Hidden Holler General Store in the old Van Grabel store?
My parents were born and raised in Rose Hill Lee Co. Virginia.
I haven't been to Rose Hill in 30 years so is the Hidden Holler General Store in the old Van Grabel store?
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