Like the photos on the Rose Hill website home page, this photo is copyright by Harold Jerrell. You can buy some of his beautiful prints at Rosemary's Specialty House in Rose Hill.
Anyway, the frogs are peeping this week! It's only the first week of February, and sure enough, while I was hauling off my trash on a warm sunny afternoon to the convenient Rose Hill convenience station, right by that creek, I could hear those frogs peeping! I associate that wonderful sound with early Spring. Strange to hear it this time of year. What do they do, crawl back into the mud when the next Winter weather spurt hits? It's supposed to be snowing again this weekend. I also saw a bluebird this week, which surprised me again. Word has it though, that the bluebirds are staying over during the Winter cuz folks are feeding them at bird feeders. Anyway, it was unseasonably warm here some this week, and now the frogs are peeping, bluebirds are flying around, and my Spring flower bulbs are popping up out of the ground.
Shame it's going to be snowing this weekend, cuz Harlan County Ridge Runners ATV Club is sponsoring a Sweetheart Ride on Saturday. Sounded fun! They've got lots of great events planned already for 2008, and we'll have more information posted in the events section soon.
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